You Can Still Have a Wonderful Holiday Season in Spite of Hearing Loss

Gatherings. More, and more family gatherings. During the holidays, it most likely feels like you’re meeting (or re-meeting) a new long-lost uncle every other weekend. The holiday season can be fun (and also difficult) for this reason. Normally, it’s easy to look forward to this annual catching up. You get to reunite with everyone and […]

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Are You Aware That Hearing Problems Can be caused by the Common Cold?

There are other symptoms of a cold that are less prevalent than the well known runny nose. One kind of cold you don’t frequently hear about is the one that goes into one or more ears. This form of cold can be more risky than a common cold and shouldn’t ever be neglected. What does […]

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These Chemicals Could Increase Your Risk of Hearing Loss

Most people are aware of the common causes of hearing loss, but certain chemicals can also lead to hearing loss which can come as a surprise. While there are several groups of people at risk, individuals in industries like textiles, petroleum, automotive, plastics, and metal fabrication have greater exposure. Knowing what these harmful chemicals are […]

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Music and Headphones: What’s a Healthy Volume?

Aiden enjoys music. While he’s out jogging, he listens to Pandora, while working it’s Spotify, and he has a playlist for all his activities: cardio, cooking, video games, you name it. His headphones are almost always on, his life a fully soundtracked event. But the very thing that Aiden loves, the loud, immersive music, could […]

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Hearing Loss in One Ear – Potential Causes

Hearing Loss in One Ear – Potential Causes

Let’s imagine you go to a rock show. You’re awesome, so you spend all night in the front row. It’s fun, although it isn’t good for your ears which will be ringing when you get up the next morning. (That’s not so fun.) But what if you wake up and can only hear out of […]

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These 6 Behaviors Indicate You’re Dealing With Hearing Loss

In conversation with friends, you like to be courteous. At work, you want to look engaged, even enthralled with what your supervisor/colleagues/customers are talking about. With family, you may find it less difficult to just tune out the conversation and ask the person next to you to repeat what you missed, just a bit louder, […]

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Protect Your Hearing During Noisy Summer Activities

Summertime has some activities that are simply staples: Air shows, concerts, fireworks, state fairs, Nascar races, etc. The crowds, and the noise levels, are growing as more of these activities are getting back to normal. But sometimes this can bring about issues. Because let’s be honest: this isn’t the first outdoor concert that’s left you […]

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Can Brain Atrophy be Triggered by Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss is generally accepted as simply a normal part of the aging process: as we get older, we begin to hear things a little less clearly. Maybe we need to ask people to speak up or repeat themselves when they talk. Maybe the volume on our TV keeps getting louder. We may even discover […]

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How Can Hearing Loss Affect Driving Habits?

Keep your eyes on the road. Naturally, it’s good advice, but it doesn’t say much about your other senses. As an example, think about the amount of work your ears are doing when you’re driving. You’re using your ears to engage with other people in your vehicle, alert you to important information appearing on your […]

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How Can I Tell if I Have Hearing Loss?

How Can I Tell if I Have Hearing Loss?

Your last family dinner was frustrating. It wasn’t because of family crisis (this time). No, the source of the stress was simple: it was noisy, and you couldn’t hear anything. So you didn’t get the chance to ask about Dave’s new cat or Sally’s new job. It was difficult. Mostly, you blame the acoustics. But […]

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Louisville, KY

4135 Shelbyville Rd.Louisville, KY 40207

Call or Text: 502-317-0545

Mon-Thu: 9am-5pm
Closed on Friday

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